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Case Studies
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As a knowledge transfer developer, Sylviane researched and delivers on-demand workshops that gives scientists, policy makers and others the tools to communicate science effectively in today’s post-truth environment. View the case study.

As a science communicator, Sylviane researched and wrote a white paper for the Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada on how to communicate aquaculture science findings and policy decisions to Canadians. View the case study.

As a guidelines developer for CHEO, and with a team of 30+ clinicians and stakeholders, Sylviane conceived and wrote the first comprehensive clinical guidelines for pediatric concussion in North America. View the case study.

As a project manager and facilitator for PROOF, Sylviane guided a long-distance team of researchers and physicians through a research funding application to Genome Canada. View the case study.

As a long-term knowledge broker, Sylviane devised and executed an end-of-grant knowledge transfer strategy to promote for SENTINEL Bioactive Paper Network’s emerging innovations. View the case study.

As a KT professional for Livestock Gentec, Sylviane designed and produced a knowledge transfer game that students and teachers enjoyed so much, they wore it out. View the case study.

As a project advisor and knowledge transfer editor, Sylviane created a plain language handbook on intellectual property for PrioNet scientists. View the case study.

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© Nick D Kim, lab-initio.com; used with permission.